Meet MG Scholars, brother and sister spanning across campuses
Tell me about yourself.
My name is Legend and I’m in 4th grade. My favorite animal is a dog and I play football. In school, my favorite subject is gym and I like reading books about Martin Luther King.
Tell me about your family.
My sister goes to Mission Grammar too, her name is Journey, and she is one and a half. My Mom is a registered, traveling nurse and my uncle is a math professor at BU. He has two two dogs- Honcho and Ace.
Tell me about your Mission Grammar experience.
My teacher’s name is Ms.O’Neil. I have met a lot of friends at Mission Grammar. My favorite thing about school is that the people are nice. In Math, we are learning about division and place value in division. The other night in my homework I had to divide 9 million and you really had to pay attention to the place values and figure out those zeros.
What is it like to have your little sister at school with you?
It’s fun to be able to see her at school throughout the day in the priest garden. Today I saw her and was able to give her a hug and her teacher took a photo of us. I also think having us at the same school helps my mom be less stressed because she doesn’t have to run to one place and then another.
Did you know that Mission Grammar has been around for 132 years? How does that make you feel when you think about the generations of scholars that have come before you?
When I think about Mission Grammar being around for 132 years, I think that if it is sturdy, it would survive an earthquake. When I think about the students, I think there must be a lot of good, smart students out there now that went to Mission Grammar.
What do you hope that you will do when you grow up?
When I grow up I want to be a doctor because I know you have to take a test. Once I helped my Mom with her tests that she had to take to be a nurse. There were four options and I helped her and I got the answer correct! Also, my mom could help me study.
What advice would you share with other Mission Grammar scholars?
My advice to other scholars is to be good. My advice to my little sister Journey is to be nice, sometimes she can make a little stink face when she’s upset, I don’t know where she got that from. 😊
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